Home - This post refects the routines that I use on a daily basis. To check out other librarians ideas and routines, double click on the blue titles.
Signals - I use a set of chimes when the kids are getting to loud and ask them to freeze when they hear it. It immediately quiets the room and then I can quietly tell them what I need to say.
Procedure - I have a sign out sheet and a boy/girl pass. I usually let only 1 student leave at a time. They put up 1 finger to indicate they need to go and if it is okay, I point 1 finger back at them. That way, if I am reading a story, they don't have to interrupt me.
Book Care - In the lower grades we discuss books that are damaged and I show them lots of examples. Then I bring a "First Aid Book Kit" and put lots of things in it and take them out, (one at a time) and we discuss them. Here is my list.
1. Book tape: for ripped books and only I repair books.
2. Gum: It's best not to chew gum while reading but if you do, remember to put it in the wast basket.
3. Food: I bring a jelly sandwhich and let some drip on the book for dramatic effect.
4. Rubber Ducky: NO reading while in the tub.
5. Soap: Wash hands before reading.
6 Baby rattle: Don't let your little sis or bro get ahold of your book.
7. Dog bone: Keep your book away from animals. (Then I show them the books that dogs had chewed on.)
8. Scissors: Never cut a book.
9. Glue: Don't try and repair books yourself.
10. Pens and markers and crayon: Never write in a book that isn't your own.
Choosing a Just Right
Book - We look at the cover, the number of pages, the 5 finger rule, (how many words do you miss on the first page, over 5 and it may be too hard, but you can STILL try it if you want to). Maybe Mom or Dad could read it to you.
Check In - As they enter the library, they return the books they are finished with. I hurry to check them back in as they are browsing for books.
Check for
Understanding -
Check Out - Kinders get to check out books when Christmas break is over. The first graders can check out one book for 1 week. The 2nd-6th graders can check out 2 books for 2 weeks with one renewal.
Class Appreciations - Applause for great behaviour or special recognition.
Computers/Laptops - After teaching them how to look up books using the 4 computers we have, then I allow the older grades to look up books.
Discussion Protocols
Entering the Library - Quietly
Exiting the Library - In a line, quietly, and not with their nose in their book.
Library Centers
Procedure - I haven't done many library centers yet, but plan to. Listening centers, magazine centers, worksheets related to an activity, drawing, writing, etc.... The best web site for this is
Partner Work - So far it hasn't been a problem to have them pair up to do work, but I almost always allow them the option to work in groups of 3 or work alone. This helps those who may feel left out.
Place Books on Hold - I don't allow it. It's a BIG hassle. I buy a few extra of the ones that are most popular.
Renew a Book - They may renew a book for an additional 2 week period.
Storytime - I read a story or book to each class as often as time permits, or a read a portion of a few books to "peak" their interest.
Transitions - I ring my chimes and ask for them to freeze while I give very explicit directions.
Using a Shelf Marker - Teach by modeling it, over and over. If a child EVER uses a book mark as a weapon, I take it away and they don't get to check out a book that day.
What to do if a book is damaged/lost - Don't panic, the parents need to pay the replacement cost.
What to do if you may not check out
books - They should bring a book to the library. They may read another library book or can do a center I have set up.