Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Russell (2) and Sir William the Bravest Knight (4) - " KNIGHT NIGHT" by Owen Davey

Here are some pics of my adorable 2 year old grandson reading "Night Knight" by Owen Davey.
This book came out in 2011, so it's relatively new.  My cute grandson, William, who likes to be called Sir William the Bravest Knight and is 4 and lives in Washington state, (much to my chagrin), eats, sleeps and breathes all things "KNIGHTS".   This book is about this very thing, a little boy who dreams of nothing else but being a horse riding, sword wielding, brave knight.  It's a must have for any little guy who adores fighting dragons and won't part with his swords, shields and helmet, even when it's the metal kitchen strainer.  :)

Here's Russell reading it!

and here's our 4 year old, Sir William the Bravest Knight, who I bought the book for!  
Shhhhh!  It's a secret! 

And here's Russell reading my favorite pop up book
called "Brava, Strega Nona, a Heart Warming Pop-Up Book" by Tomie dePaula

This is THE most AMAZING ENGINEERED "pop-up" book I have ever seen, truly, and I have seen my fair share.  If you haven't seen this book, find it, because you have to take a look at it.  Of course you'll have a hard time resisting buying it!!!!!  It is one in a million!

As we all know, "Pop-Up" books and 2 year old toddlers don't mix real well, 
so he looked at it with lots of help, gently.  :)


  1. Mom, this blog is so amazing! You know so many things about every book, it's crazy! You are turning into Grandpa Bradford, a walking encyclopedia! This blog is great! Love you!

  2. Cute cute cute! Will is going to die when he sees that book! He truly is obsessed. That Strega Nona book is probably the most amazing pop up book I have ever seen. How fun!
